Visa Protect for Account-to-Account Payments
Enterprise-wide risk solutions to keep real-time payments (RTP) moving.
Real-time can be a real problem for fraud and scams
Because immediate payments settle in near real-time, recovering fraudulent transactions is nearly impossible—hampering consumer confidence, slowing adoption and impacting revenue.
For instant payments, Visa is the answer
As a global payments leader, Visa provides a multi-financial institution and multi-network approach to monitor and prevent real-time payment fraud and scams.
See how Visa Protect for Account-to-Account Payments evaluates risks effectively

Stay ahead of APP scams
APP scams are a growing threat on RTP networks— impacting both consumers and banks. See how Visa’s multi-network view can deliver actionable advice.

Pay.UK case study
Pay.UK partners with Visa in pilot to fight real-time payments fraud and scams
Tools and resources
Learn how Visa’s risk solutions slow fraud and keep business moving for real-time payment operators.

Insights to counter APP scams
Swift, simple reimbursement is often the deciding factor between staying with or switching banks.

Instant payments fraud mitigation
As North America starts to adopt instant payments, fraud management needs to be top of mind.