When you choose Visa, you become part of a network of partners committed to fighting fraud at every turn. Security requires the cooperation of financial institutions, processors, merchants and cardholders. Visa and its partners are committed to helping you fight fraud and identity theft. Take a look at our partners’ websites and these additional resources below.
Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC)
ASIC contributes to Australia's economic reputation and wellbeing by ensuring that Australia's financial markets are fair and transparent, supported by confident and informed investors and consumers.
AusPayNet is the self-regulatory body set up by the payments industry to improve the safety, reliability, equity, convenience and efficiency of the Australian payments system.
Australian Bankers Association (ABA)
The ABA works with its members to provide analysis, advice and advocacy and contributes to the development of public policy on banking and other financial services. Its aim is to ensure Australian banking customers continue to benefit from a healthy, stable and competitive banking industry.
SCAMwatch is a website run by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). SCAMwatch provides information to consumers and small businesses about how to recognise, avoid and report scams.
Stay Smart Online
Stay Smart Online is the Australian Government's cybersecurity website provides information for Australian internet users on the simple steps they can take to protect their personal and financial information online.
Accessing your credit report
Contact a credit reporting body (CRB) to obtain a copy of your credit report.
Attorney General: Protecting and recovering your identity
The Attorney-General’s Department has developed a range of resources to assist individuals to protect their identity and to recover from the effects of identity crime.
OAIC: Identity Security
Advice from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner on how to secure your personal information and prevent your identity from being stolen
Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Bill 2016
Amendment to the Privacy Act 1988 introducing mandatory data breach notification provisions